Hey guys!!

I’m Rachel. I’m married to the most awesome man and we have two wild, scrumptious little boys. You can find me chasing them around on the beach most days, or dreaming about it when we’re not! I live for golf cart rides to catch the sunset at our favorite beach, warm ocean dips and shrimp tacos. I love adventuring with my boys, making the most of my days while still thoroughly enjoying lazy days with lots of snuggles.

My love for photography started when I was a little kid with crippling “Day After Christmas” syndrome, where I was always so bummed when good things were over. So when my brother gifted me a 35mm camera for my 13th birthday I became completely and utterly obsessed. I finally had a form of a time-machine, preserving every memory I could so I could relive it any time I wanted. My love snowballed from there. Photography has been all-consuming for me (in the best way!!) since my 13th bday. It’s the way I see everything, never not observing light and imagining how I would capture that scene. It’s the perfect creative outlet getting to imagine up photos and make them come to life. And getting to do that *and* benefit others with my love for it - there’s just to way to describe that feeling. Even if I never made a dime with photography, I would still be in love with it, doing it every day. It’s part of me, all the way through. 

I believe that God gave me this gift to bless others. To tell their stories. To have images that *feel* like who they are. To help their businesses thrive so they can support their families by living out their passion. That is what fuels my fire and pushes me.